Intervention in the Clochetons building on an invitation of Wunderkammer collective

For this exhibition, I worked on the building’s zenithal glass roof. It’s a space separating the outside from the inside, which allows us to contemplate the sky from the ground. Initially covered with a thick layer of dust and paint, the light did not come in easely, which weakened its function. But at the same time, this layer of grime evoked the building’s past, and I found various objects, such as a dog toy, belonging to the former inhabitants, when I was working on the roof. In order to connect the past to the present, as well as the earth to the sky, I decided to engrave elements in this layer, and to leave the rest intact.

The engraved motifs are linked to a childhood experience: I used to go to a pediatrician who had me do a sort of Rohrschach, where I had to imagine constellations at random from star charts. I decided to do the same thing using a map of the Lausanne sky on the day of the equinox, and to imagine constellations that I then engraved in the glass roof, respecting its proportions as much as possible. So this piece speaks of the passage of time, as well as the cycles of the seasons and the sun: it will change with the year, the weather and the seasons.